Why you should live in Sant Cugat

Why you should live in Sant Cugat

About this area

Located only a few kilometers outside of Barcelona city center, Sant Cugat is an area of history, gothic and medieval buildings and natural beauty. This is a reasonably affluent area that has recently seen an increase in its population thanks to its pedestrian areas and grand, green spaces. It is truly a very pleasant area. There are many small restaurants, like La Bolera, where you can taste the typical Catalan cuisine, or Casa Brava, which is more modern and exclusive.

Sant Cugat’s medium-sized population allows for tranquility if you are looking for a place where you can avoid the masses. It is home to locals and families given the good quantity and quality of schools in the area.

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Typical Apartment

Given the increasing affluence and peacefulness of Sant Cugat, many villas, castles and detached houses are available for purchase. There is a range of styles, some villas will be very modern and contemporary, whilst others follow a traditional route, or are indeed just very old and authentic buildings.



Located just half an hour away from the Barcelona city center, Sant Cugat is a cute and small city filled with charm, historical heritage and singular spaces. It is a safe, quiet town. It’s small enough to navigate with children, but large enough to house good school, hospitals, parks and other essentials. There is a huge kids adventure park called Parque Toboganes Can Mates with loads of slides and plenty of space to run around, while every street corner seems to offer something for kids.


The town of Sant Cugat is well connected to the city center: it has its own train station with a direct metro connection into Barcelona.



Sant Cugat del Vallés Monastery

Famous mainly for its impressive Romanesque cloister, the Monestir de Sant Cugat (Monastery of Sant Cugat), run by the Benedictine order, contains pre-Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance elements. It was constructed between the 9th and 14th centuries, some elements made with stones from Montjuic, and is characterised by the sobriety of the Romanesque period in the lack of decoration and low light and the Gothic grandeur.

El Pino de Xandri

The scale of this natural monument is really impressive and an absolute spectacle. This 230-year-old tree is found within the quiet park of Torre Negra, and away from cars and urbanisation – it really is a peaceful spot to relax and appreciate nature. This tree is 23m tall, really standing out from its surroundings. It is well appreciated by the locals for its symbolism of dedication to the preservation of nature.

Teatre Auditori Sant Cugat

This grand auditorium hosts many plays, musical productions, and business events. Find out what’s on by visiting their website. If this isn’t enough relaxation, Sant Cugat also offers two movie theaters and a large shopping mall.

Collserola Park

The greatest advantage of Barcelona, apart from its many monuments and architectural masterpieces, is its closeness to Collserola Park – it can be reached within 30-40 minutes from Plaza Catalunya by train or car. The area was preserved as a national park in 1987. With its 85 square kilometers, it is the biggest metropolitan park in the world. To help you visualise its size, the park is 22 times bigger than Central Park in New York. It is home to so much wildlife, plants, and ecosystems. If you want to escape from the city, this is the place to come. There are many routes to follow, cycling alleys and points for bird watching.

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Barcelona’s cosmopolitan spirit – diverse and intercultural – is shown by the fact that nearly 18% of city residents are foreigners. The city is divided into 10 districts and made up of 73 neighborhoods, filled with lots of history, culture, and plenty of fun activities for everyone. The neighborhoods are all distinct from one another, each one offering its own best features. We offer unique and different homes in some of the best neighborhoods of Barcelona; let us help you to discover your favorite neighborhood to live in!.
