Über dieses Gebiet
Das Eixample-Gebiet ist bekannt für seine sichere Wohnatmosphäre und viele kulturelle Attraktionen, darunter die berühmte Kathedrale Sagrada Familia und die Gaudí-Häuser wie La Pedrera und Casa Batlló. Es ist berühmt für seine luxuriösen Geschäfte am Passeig de Garcia, in denen die Käufer in weltweiten Marken schwelgen können. Es gibt auch eine große Auswahl an Restaurants, Bäckereien und Geschäften mit regelmäßigen Busverbindungen. Seine breiten, sonnigen Straßen bieten einen tollen Kontrast zu den schmalen, schattigen Pfaden durch das gotische Viertel.
Als exklusiver Stadtteil ist die rechte Seite des Eixample die Heimat der mittleren und oberen Schicht von Barcelona. Es ist sicherlich ein guter Lebensstandard unter all den gehobenen Bars und Restaurants. Es ist auch das Zuhause vieler Familien mit kleinen Kindern.

The apartments are located in spacious grid style streets, where it is extremely safe. You can find newer buildings, excellent property conditions, great investment opportunities.
Eixample Dreta is very well connected to the rest of the city. It’s rich in culture and history. The apartments in this area are quite spacious, often with lovely long corridors.
- Metro: There are many different metro connections in this area. There’s easy travel to all the different monuments and the beach
- Walking distance to La Plaza Catalunya, La Sagrada Familia and Passeig de Gracía.
- Distance to the beach: 3,3km
Casa Mila
Also known as La Pedrera and built between 1906 and 1912, this was the last building designed by Gaudí. Due to its grandeur and uniqueness, it was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List for its universal value. The Casa Batlló, located in the city centre, is known as one of Gaudí's greatest masterpieces! It was designed in 1904 by Gaudi on an earlier house, and has been restored several times since then. The house is also known as Casa dels Ossos (House of Bones) because of its skeletal quality and lack of straight lines.
Sagrada Familia
This is another work by Gaudi that is still under construction. This colossal Roman Catholic church began its construction in 1882 and to this day is one of Barcelona's most iconic landmarks. The cathedral was actually started by Francisco de Paula del Villar y Lozano, and it was in 1883 that Gaudi decided to devote his life, money and efforts to the monument. In 1926 he sadly died and, of course, the cathedral was left unfinished. The estimated date of its completion is 2020.
Paseo de Gracia
As one of Barcelona's most popular shopping streets, it is home not only to classic high street shops, but also to expensive brands such as Chanel, Tiffany and Burberry. It is the centre of all things shopping and also boasts modern and stylish cafés and restaurants.
Platje de l'Eixample
Every summer the Eixample Dreta has its own artificial beach open to children. It can be found in a small park called Torres de l'Eixample. The fountain has even been turned into a children's pool and you can use the park for just €2! It's the perfect place for children and proves that Eixample is very family friendly!
Cafes, walks and the best restaurants
The Eixample is a residential area of the city and which in turn offers a dynamic nightlife and a pleasant culture of cafes. In addition to sitting on the terraces on the neighborhood to see people pass, it is the ideal place to take a long walk in its streets observing the wonderful architecture that it offers.

Barcelona’s cosmopolitan spirit – diverse and intercultural – is shown by the fact that nearly 18% of city residents are foreigners. The city is divided into 10 districts and made up of 73 neighborhoods, filled with lots of history, culture, and plenty of fun activities for everyone. The neighborhoods are all distinct from one another, each one offering its own best features. We offer unique and different homes in some of the best neighborhoods of Barcelona; let us help you to discover your favorite neighborhood to live in!.