Make People Fall in Love with your Property


Make People Fall in Love with your Property

Make People Fall in Love with your Property

Here at casamona we believe that if a person is thinking of selling or renting their apartment the most important thing to do is to make people fall in love with your property. We have provided you with some very important tips to achieve this goal! Interested? Well then….continue to scroll:

Turn your home into a blank canvas

To make people fall in love with your property it is important to transform your home into a blank canvas. Do not have things everywhere. Don’t clutter it with unnecessary ornaments, pictures or furniture. People need to visualise themselves living there. They also need to visualise how they will personalise ‘their new property’. For example, Casamona wants to highlight the space and light when selling properties so the viewers can imaging themselves there. 

Casamona apartment for rent.

Ref: NXC839-XFB

Nice scent

It is necessary that the property has a nice, fresh smell when viewers come by. You have to try and make it smell as new as possible (open windows ahead of time, light candles, etc.). It is a major turn off if a home smells stuffy and old. Therefore, it is crucial that there is a fresh smell present to make people focus on the property rather than any odours. This is a major influencer on people’s purchase decisions.


Modern Designs

Casamona property for sale.

Ref: C143-XTM

We are living in the 21st century. AVOID the ancient, old fashioned style. To make people fall in love with your property have modern furniture. You can find tips and inspiration online. However, you design your home to your preferences! For example, at Casamona we like to modern, well-lit, spacious homes that convey a Scandanavian touch in Barcelona. What is essential, is to have working and efficient amenities

Everyone has their own tastes, but it could be beneficial to you as a home seller/renter to look into your desired clientele’s preferences in interior design.

Outside the Property

Moreover, the first thing people see when visiting, is the outside. Whether if you have a garden or not, make sure the outside of your home looks graceful and charming. Put flowers in the windows or in the garden, fix the up-to-date curtains! If you have a back garden, do not ignore it! If you have a balcony or terrace be sure to put a pretty table and chairs outside so people can picture themselves relaxing out there in summer, as they will form their own emotional connection with your home. Any sort of outdoor section (terrance/balcony) is always an added benefit when searching for homes, so accentuate it!

Time of Viewing

In addition, have a look at the weather forecast in advance. Try to pick a day where it is nice, warm and the sun is shining. The sun is a huge advantage as it gives brightness to your home. Natural light is a big YES! Keep those windows and curtains opened! This will make your home feel and look warm to people. If your home is dark, do not worry. You can throw some warm colours into your home using furniture which are reds, oranges and greens. Natural light is also extremely important when taking photos! The sun will always be better than lamp lights. 

Do not paper up broken repairs

If something is broken, FIX IT. I know it is much more effortless and easy on the pocket to run and grab tape or paint to do a ‘quick fix’. But no, this is a bad idea, if you are really serious about making people fall in love with your property, either replace a broken product, or fix it. But do not paper it up!


To make people fall in love with your property, psychology is an important strategy. Offer the person a hot beverage and make them feel welcome! Chances are they will sit down and have a chat with you afterwards.

Make sure the home is warm and cosy, put the heating on one hour in advance if need be. A chilly individual will not be focused on the home, but on their discomfort! Make sure to take control of what their focus will be on when they are with you.

If you are interested in selling or renting a property be sure to get in contact with us!

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