Now Digital Nomads can get a Visa to Spain
What do you need to get the new Digital Nomad Visa?
What do you need to get the new Digital Nomad Visa?
Sovint estàs a la carretera i et preocupes per la seguretat de la teva propietat? Casamona està aquí per ajudar-te.
Els recents canvis en la Llei de Lloguers podrien convertir-lo en el moment idoni per llogar abans dels nous controls
Buying an apartment is a very daunting task, that's why you should get a Buyer Agent to help you.
CEO and Founder of Casamona, Tine Mathiassen, was interviewed about the COVID-19 and its effects on house pricing.
Casamona's insights and forecasts for investing in buildings in 2021 and why now is the time you should do it!
See opportunities; not limitations. Here are some low-cost ideas to give your apartment a modern push and increase its value.
Working from home is becoming more and more common given the current climate. Having the right place to work is
A vital guide to COVID-19 in Barcelona, Spain. What to do if you are Covid-19 positive and how to get
I recently got the opportunity to work and live in Barcelona as part of my university degree. It was an
The experts at Casamona analyse the economic and property market in Barcelona.